Binnelanders Season 7 Episode 129 : Episode 129 hd 720p
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Genre: Soap
Air Date: 2011-09-29
Season Number: 7
Episodes Number: 129
Overview: Bea and Franz have a huge falling out, while Elise and Morné eventually makes peace. Stefanie warns Jennifer in regards to Warrick, and Pippa starts to wonder about the rest of Conrad's 'other' family. Pippa also finds out that she will have to testify in court in Jennifer's case.
Stars: Hans Strydom (Dr. At Koster), , Sandi Schultz (Dr. Jennifer Adams), , Reynardt Hugo (Dr. Tertius Jonker), , Nadia Valvekens (Pippa Venter), , Hykie Berg (Dr. Conrad Bester), , Dawid Minnaar (Dr. Franz Basson), , Ramey Short (Dr. Quinton Meyer), , Elma Postma (Bea Delport), , Lindie Stander (Elise Kruger), , Desiré Gardner (Daleen Oosthuizen), , Tobie Cronje (Kallie Koster), , Terence Bridgett (Warrick Paulse), , Rolanda Marais (Stefanie Malherbe), , Michelle Pienaar (Yvette Stuurman), , Chantelle Gertse (Veronica Williams),
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