The Daily Show Season 12 Episode 103 : Tal Ben-Shahar hd 720p
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Title:The Daily Show
Genre: News, Comedy
Air Date: 2007-08-09
Season Number: 12
Episodes Number: 103
Overview: Tonight, psychologist and author of Happier: Learn the Secrets to Daily Joy and Lasting Fulfillment, Tal Ben-Shahar. Jon begins tonight reporting on the recent FOX News interview of President Bush with Neil Cavuto in a segment called "President Bush: In His Own Words". Jon pokes fun at all the nonsensical ways Bush tries to get his point across and his attempt to explain to us, 'in other words', how he thinks. Finally, Jon reports on Mitt Romney's five sons who have decided to forego military service for a more nobler cause, getting their dad elected in a segment called "Mess O' Poromnia". Senior Campaign Embedder Aasif Mandvi reports from Iowa about the five brothers struggle.
Stars: Jon Stewart (Self - Host), , Wyatt Cenac (Self - Correspondent), , Samantha Bee (Self - Correspondent), , Adrianne Frost (Self - Correspondent), , Bob Wiltfong (Self - Correspondent), , Brian Unger (Self - Correspondent), , Jerry Minor (Self - Correspondent), , Frank DeCaro (Self - Contributor 'Out at the Movies'), , John Bloom (Self - Contributor 'God Stuff'), , Matt Walsh (Self - Correspondent), , Michael Showalter (Self - Correspondent), , Nancy Carell (Self - Correspondent), , Rachael Harris (Self - Correspondent), , Stacey Grenrock-Woods (Self - Correspondent),
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