The Daily Show Season 12 Episode 106 : Stephen F. Hayes hd 720p
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Title:The Daily Show
Genre: News, Comedy
Air Date: 2007-08-15
Season Number: 12
Episodes Number: 106
Overview: Tonight, author of Cheney: The Untold Story of America's Most Powerful and Controversial Vice President, Stephen F. Hayes. Jon first reports on the recent visit of Nicolas Sarkozy with President Bush in Maine. Senior Western White House Correspondent Samantha Bee reports from Crawford, TX with some record breaking news. Bush has taken 423 vacation days and is on the verge of breaking Ronald Reagans 436. Next, Larry Wilmore asks the question, "Is America Ready For A Black President?" Larry looks at Obama and whether he's black enough to be considered black and also uses the Negrometer to determine how black a president America is ready for. Finally, Jon shows us a 1994 video of Dick Cheney explaining why it was good thing we didn't invade Baghdad during the first Iraq War in a segment called "Even Dick Don't Know Dick".
Stars: Jon Stewart (Self - Host), , Wyatt Cenac (Self - Correspondent), , Samantha Bee (Self - Correspondent), , Adrianne Frost (Self - Correspondent), , Bob Wiltfong (Self - Correspondent), , Brian Unger (Self - Correspondent), , Jerry Minor (Self - Correspondent), , Frank DeCaro (Self - Contributor 'Out at the Movies'), , John Bloom (Self - Contributor 'God Stuff'), , Matt Walsh (Self - Correspondent), , Michael Showalter (Self - Correspondent), , Nancy Carell (Self - Correspondent), , Rachael Harris (Self - Correspondent), , Stacey Grenrock-Woods (Self - Correspondent),
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