The Daily Show Season 12 Episode 30 : Dr. Richard Jadick hd 720p
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Title:The Daily Show
Genre: News, Comedy
Air Date: 2007-03-06
Season Number: 12
Episodes Number: 30
Overview: Tonight, military doctor and author of On Call In Hell: A Doctor's Iraq War Story, Dr. Richard Jadick.Jon first looks at the Scooter Libby guilty verdict. He then talks about the Walter Reed hearings in Congress and Bush's address to the veterans of the American Legion with Rob Riggle, Senior Military Analyst. Finally, Samantha Bee in a segment called Sam on Your Side. She interviews a CT atheist who is looking to sue a town because the local church bells annoy him.
Stars: Jon Stewart (Self - Host), , Wyatt Cenac (Self - Correspondent), , Samantha Bee (Self - Correspondent), , Adrianne Frost (Self - Correspondent), , Bob Wiltfong (Self - Correspondent), , Brian Unger (Self - Correspondent), , Jerry Minor (Self - Correspondent), , Frank DeCaro (Self - Contributor 'Out at the Movies'), , John Bloom (Self - Contributor 'God Stuff'), , Matt Walsh (Self - Correspondent), , Michael Showalter (Self - Correspondent), , Nancy Carell (Self - Correspondent), , Rachael Harris (Self - Correspondent), , Stacey Grenrock-Woods (Self - Correspondent),
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