The Daily Show Season 12 Episode 59 : Pierre Rehov hd 720p
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Title:The Daily Show
Genre: News, Comedy
Air Date: 2007-05-02
Season Number: 12
Episodes Number: 59
Overview: Tonight, director Pierre Rehov promotes his new documentary out on DVD, Suicide Killers. Jon begins the show with a good old fashioned Washington D.C. sex scandal. Deborah Jeane Palfrey a.k.a. Miz Julia, has submitted 46 pounds of telephone records from an escort service she ran for 13 years. Jon looks at the media frenzy to see which powerful D.C. men are on the list in a segment called "Beltway: Unbuckled". Senior Washington Correspondent Jason Jones talks with Jon about the how one can hire an escort legally and for nonsexual reasons, namely, by always laying down on your stomach while you get your "massage". Finally, Aasif Mandvi takes a look at both sides of the debate over Chief Illiniwek, the mascot for the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign who recently was retired because of protests saying the chief perpetuated rascist stereotypes in a segment called "Trail of Cheers".
Stars: Jon Stewart (Self - Host), , Wyatt Cenac (Self - Correspondent), , Samantha Bee (Self - Correspondent), , Adrianne Frost (Self - Correspondent), , Bob Wiltfong (Self - Correspondent), , Brian Unger (Self - Correspondent), , Jerry Minor (Self - Correspondent), , Frank DeCaro (Self - Contributor 'Out at the Movies'), , John Bloom (Self - Contributor 'God Stuff'), , Matt Walsh (Self - Correspondent), , Michael Showalter (Self - Correspondent), , Nancy Carell (Self - Correspondent), , Rachael Harris (Self - Correspondent), , Stacey Grenrock-Woods (Self - Correspondent),
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