The Daily Show Season 12 Episode 95 : Rob Gifford hd 720p
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Title:The Daily Show
Genre: News, Comedy
Air Date: 2007-07-25
Season Number: 12
Episodes Number: 95
Overview: Tonight, a correspondent on National Public Radio and author of China Road: A Journey into the Future of a Rising Power, Rob Gifford. Jon begins tonight reporting on the House Judiciary Committee citing Josh Bolten and Harriet Miers with contempt of Congress for refusing to testify under oath about the Alberto Gonzalez firings. Who enforces this contempt of Congress charge, why Alberto Gonzalez of course. Jon continues by looking at Alberto's testimony yesterday before the Senate Judiciary Committee in a segment called "Hearing Problems". Alberto's 'I don't recalls' have transformed into flat out refusals to answer any questions. Senior White House Correspondent Rob Riggle discusses the situation with Jon. Finally, Lewis Black in "Back in Black".
Stars: Jon Stewart (Self - Host), , Wyatt Cenac (Self - Correspondent), , Samantha Bee (Self - Correspondent), , Adrianne Frost (Self - Correspondent), , Bob Wiltfong (Self - Correspondent), , Brian Unger (Self - Correspondent), , Jerry Minor (Self - Correspondent), , Frank DeCaro (Self - Contributor 'Out at the Movies'), , John Bloom (Self - Contributor 'God Stuff'), , Matt Walsh (Self - Correspondent), , Michael Showalter (Self - Correspondent), , Nancy Carell (Self - Correspondent), , Rachael Harris (Self - Correspondent), , Stacey Grenrock-Woods (Self - Correspondent),
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