Blooming Lady Season 1 Episode 2 : Episode 2 hd 720p
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Title:Blooming Lady
Genre: Family, Drama
Air Date: 2024-02-20
Season Number: 1
Episodes Number: 2
Overview: Bahar, who leaves her illness behind and is reborn, now has a new life ahead of her. When Bahar is discharged from the hospital and returns home, Nevra and Timur greet her with a big "get well soon" celebration. However, Bahar's speech at this celebration and her change afterwards make Timur and Nevra uneasy. No one can guess what is going through Bahar's mind and what she plans to do. She is determined to shake all the balances with the big decision she will take about her life. Bahar's biggest supporter will be Evren. At the same time, traces of the past are revealed in the Bahar-Timur-Rengin triangle. In the finale, Bahar's new decision will shake everyone.
Stars: Demet Evgar (Bahar Özden), , Buğra Gülsoy (Evren Yalkın), , Mehmet Yılmaz Ak (Timur Yavuzoğlu), , Ecem Özkaya (Rengin Çevik), , Elit Andaç Çam (Çağla), , Demirhan Demircioğlu (Aziz Uras Yavuzoğlu), , Nil Sude Albayrak (Seren Tekin), , Füsun Demirel (Gülçiçek Özden), , Hatice Aslan (Nevra Yavuzoğlu), , Alisa Sezen Sever (Umay Yavuzoğlu), , Hasan Şahintürk (Reha), , Sena Kalıp (Parla Wallace), , Devrim Kabacaoğlu (Uğur Aydın), , Ege Erkal (Doruk), , Uygar Özçelik (Selim Çevik), , Sonat Tokuç (Candaş Korkmaz),
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