Black Heart Season 1 Episode 10 : Episode 10 hd 720p
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Title:Black Heart
Genre: Drama
Air Date: 2024-11-21
Season Number: 1
Episodes Number: 10
Overview: The news of Melek and Nuh's escape quickly reaches the mansion. Cihan becomes convinced that there is someone powerful behind them. Tahsin, taking the twins with him, provides them with protection. After everything that has happened, it will be the first time that Melek and Nuh's opinions will be so opposite. Sevilay and Cihan struggle to cope with the pain of betrayal. However, their trust will be shattered once more by the secrets they are about to learn. Despite Nihayet, Sumru decides to stand on her own feet. However, no matter how hard she tries, Samet's moves always hinder her.
Stars: Ece Uslu (Sumru), , Burak Sergen (Samet), , Burak Tozkoparan (Cihan), , Leyla Tanlar (Sevilay), , Hafsanur Sancaktutan (Melek), , Aras Aydın (Nuh), , Genco Özak (Esat), , Esra Dermancıoğlu (Hikmet), , İlker Aksum (Tahsin), , Işıl Yücesoy (Nihayet), , Gözde Cığacı (), , Bülent Polat (), , Deniz Karabaş (), , Ayşe Tunaboylu (), , Derin İnce (),
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