Black Heart Season 1 Episode 11 : Episode 11 hd 720p
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Title:Black Heart
Genre: Drama
Air Date: 2024-11-28
Season Number: 1
Episodes Number: 11
Overview: Sevilay, bewildered by what Nihayet said, will face a major confrontation with the Şansalan family individually. The twins, who have taken refuge with Tahsin, cannot come to terms with what they have experienced. While they need to cling to each other, the bond between them will face a great test. Cihan, who has not yet overcome the pain of betrayal, learns that he has been deceived by his father this time. Due to what he has gone through, he can no longer tolerate defeat. Sumru, who is trying to stand on her own feet again, is struggling. On one hand, Nihayet's demands, and on the other, her longing for her children will push her to the brink of new decisions.
Stars: Ece Uslu (Sumru), , Burak Sergen (Samet), , Burak Tozkoparan (Cihan), , Leyla Tanlar (Sevilay), , Hafsanur Sancaktutan (Melek), , Aras Aydın (Nuh), , Genco Özak (Esat), , Esra Dermancıoğlu (Hikmet), , İlker Aksum (Tahsin), , Işıl Yücesoy (Nihayet), , Gözde Cığacı (), , Bülent Polat (), , Deniz Karabaş (), , Ayşe Tunaboylu (), , Derin İnce (),
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