Cops Season 14 Episode 20 : Coast to Coast 11 hd 720p
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Genre: Reality
Air Date: 2001-09-01
Season Number: 14
Episodes Number: 20
Overview: (Fort Worth, TX - 2:03 AM Traffic Stop) North Division - Officer David Tate says everyone in Baker district has a nickname, his is Tater because of his last name. There are lots of crimes, but the ones he likes best are catching car thieves and burglars - it's rewarding. He sees a vehicle on 28th with a head light out. It turns south on McHenry and runs a stop sign. He instructs them pull off the road, but the suspect speeds off into a neighborhood and eventually attempts a getaway on foot. In Chattanooga, TN, Officer Chambers tracks down an intoxicated suspect who was ejected from a local bar for causing trouble, but after giving the man a warning and calling a cab, Chambers later discovers that the suspect jumped out of the cab a block away. In Des Moines, IA #1420. 2/2/02
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